Open Access Policy

The «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies» is an open access journali.e. provides permanent, full-text access to the author's materials published in it. The editorial staff of the journal supports the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, thereby emphasizing both the importance of maximum accessibility and openness of data for the development of general scientific knowledge, and respecting the rights of a particular author in recognition of his merits. 

The open access policy adopted in the journal is based on the principles formulated in the Budapest Initiative, i.e. on the possibility of the widest possible use of the publication: read, download, copy, distribute, print, find or attach to the full texts of the relevant articles, use for compiling indexes, enter them as data into software or use for other legitimate purposes in the absence of financial, legal and technical barriers. At the same time, according to the BOAI, the only restriction on the reproduction and distribution of publications and the only copyright condition in this area should be the author's right to control the integrity of his work and obligatory references to his name when using the work and citing it. 

All published articles are provided free open access on the sites,, and in other indexing databases. 

Open Access articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. The CC BY license allows to use all or part of the material of published articles, provided that the author and source of the publication are indicated, a link to the Creative Commons license is included. 


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