Editorial policy

Review Policy

All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of the journal are subject to mandatory single-blind peer review (the authors of the manuscript do not receive information about the reviewers, the reviewer knows the author's name). The peer review is carried out in accordance with the Ethical Principles of the reviewer's activity (link), as well as the Peer Review Procedure and the Peer Review Regulations adopted in the journal (links). Articles are peer reviewed by internal and external experts: members of the editorial board, as well as invited reviewers-leading experts in the relevant field of science from Russia and other countries.


Citation Policy

The citation policy adopted in the journal is based on the COPE guidelines. These recommendations on manipulating citation are posted in the "Discussion Papers" section and are available herehttps://publicationethics.org/citation-manipulation-discussion-document 

The editorial board of the journal supports the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, thereby emphasizing both the importance of maximum accessibility and openness of data for the development of universal scientific knowledge, and respecting the rights of a particular author in recognition of his merits: https://www.force11.org/datacitationprinciples 

In accordance with the COPE guidelines, the journal expects that part of text taken directly from publications of other researchers will be quoted and contain full information about the cited source. Formulas, tables, illustrations and other non-textual material also require links to the source. The editors expect that the original sources will be indicated not only in direct citation, but also in the case of retelling (paraphrase) and summaries. These types of integration of other research materials into your paper also require citation of the source. 

The editors advise authors to avoid unnecessary and unreasonable citation of their own publications, as well as citing publications of colleagues, employees of affiliated institutions and other articles with the authors of which you are in personal or other relationships that may affect the objective choice of the citation source. 

We dont welcome unjustified citation from secondary sources (except when the original source is not available), mutual citation. 

We also recommend you to get acquainted with the information on citation manipulation on the website of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers and join the discussion of this material: 



Anti-plagiarism policy 

The editorial board of the «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies» carries out an internal expertise of the manuscript, which includes a multi-stage check for textual borrowing, including using the "Anti-Plagiarism" system (link). If incorrect textual borrowings are detected, as well as if the text has a low coefficient of originality, the manuscript is rejected from publication. Review articles that require more citations are reviewed by the editorial board on an individual basis. 

Please note that the editorial board may decide to re-check the published materials in order to detect illegal textual borrowings that could not be detected at the stage of publication, as well as to identify duplicate publications of the author in other publications. Additional verification of the manuscript at all stages of the editorial and publishing cycle and after its publication, is also carried out when reviewers, readers or other persons appeal for the facts of illegal borrowings. The editorial board considers plagiarism to be plagiarism of text, data, images, and ideas, including: 

- direct citation, paraphrase, summary without specifying the source; 

- use of illustrations, graphs, diagrams and other forms of graphical representation of information without specifying the source. 

The editorial board also strongly recommends against using any technical methods that artificially increase the uniqueness of the text. Articles that show signs of technical modifications will not be published in the journal, even after revision. 

In order to avoid plagiarism, all data developed by other authors, when used in the manuscript, should be provided with appropriate references. The editorial board of the «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies» recommends the authors following generally accepted recommendations for working with the data of other authors, as well as the Citation policy adopted in the journal (link). 

In case of detection of illegal textual borrowings or duplicate publication, the editorial board acts in accordance with the COPE rules. A published article may be withdrawn (retracted) in accordance with the rules of retraction of articles accepted in the journal (link). 


Article Retraction Policy

After publication, the article can be withdrawn (retraсted) according to the rules adopted in the «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies»:

- in case of detection of incorrect textual borrowings;

- in case of detection of technical modifications that artificially increase the uniqueness of the text;

- if the article is published in another publication;

- in the case of the fact that identical data is presented in several publications of the author;

- if significant errors are found in the article;

- in case of detection of falsifications or fabrications of data in the work;

- in case of detection of incorrect composition of authors or the fact of inconsistent use of the article by one of the co-authors;

- in case of concealment of a conflict of interest;

- in case of other violations of the norms of ethics of scientific publications.

The editorial board draws the attention of the authors to the fact that each case of detection of these violations is considered individually, and may be a fact of conscientious delusion, and not a deliberate violation of the rules. Retraction of the article is carried out when it is impossible to use other mechanisms to correct the published information (amendments to the article, publication of doubts about the article).

The retraction of the article is carried out in accordance with the rules of COPE and the Council for the Ethics of Scientific Publications of Association of Science Editors and Publishers.

For more information about the retraction procedure, please visit the website of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers:


The COPE cases are available on the website: https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Case

Information about retraction of the articles is submitted to the Council on ethics of scientific publications and indexing database of scientific data. In case of a double publication, the retraction procedure is agreed with all publishing houses that published the material.

After retraction, the article is not deleted from both the printed and electronic versions of the journal. The editorial board places a statement on the review of the article on the issue content page, and also forms a register of retracted articles in the "Journal Policy" section.

Confirmation of a deliberate violation of the rules by the author of the retracted article may serve as a reason for refusing to publish other papers of this author in the future.


Preprint and Postprint Policy


The editorial board of the journal accepts for consideration preprints, i.e. manuscripts published on the author's personal pages or on specialized platforms. We welcome the authors' desire to receive an early response to their article before it is published in a peer-reviewed journal. At the same time, checking the automated system "Antiplagiat" can cause certain difficulties. When submitting a manuscript to the editor, we recommend that you indicate that your paper is a preprint, as well as provide a list of resources where it is posted. The final decision on the publication of the preprint is made by the editorial board.


Articles in the Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license, which allows to use the materials of published articles. A mandatory condition is a link to the original source, including a link to the official website of the journal (the full URL of the material).

The author is responsible for updating the preprint entry with a link to the published article. The link should include the DOI and URL of the published version of the article on the journal website. The original preprint text should not be changed based on the reviewer's and editor's comments. The preprint text should not be replaced with the text of the published article or deleted.

Detailed information about possible problems when publishing preprints, as well as a list of specialized platforms, can be found at the link:




The editorial board of the journal guarantees the use of the author's personal data exclusively for the preparation of the article and communication with the author.

By signing a license agreement, the author consents to the processing and storage of personal data by the publisher.

The publisher undertakes not to disclose to the third parties and not to distribute the personal data of the author, except for those data that are used to individualize the author when publishing an article, without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless it is provided by Federal Law №152-ФЗ dated 27.07.2006 «On personal data».

For more detailed information follow the links: license agreement

Federal Law №152-ФЗ dated 27.07.2006 «On personal data».


Open Access Policy

The «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies» is an open access journal, i.e. provides permanent, full-text access to the author's materials published in it. The editorial staff of the journal supports the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, thereby emphasizing both the importance of maximum accessibility and openness of data for the development of general scientific knowledge, and respecting the rights of a particular author in recognition of his merits.

The open access policy adopted in the journal is based on the principles formulated in the Budapest Initiative, i.e. on the possibility of the widest possible use of the publication: read, download, copy, distribute, print, find or attach to the full texts of the relevant articles, use for compiling indexes, enter them as data into software or use for other legitimate purposes in the absence of financial, legal and technical barriers. At the same time, according to the BOAI, the only restriction on the reproduction and distribution of publications and the only copyright condition in this area should be the author's right to control the integrity of his work and obligatory references to his name when using the work and citing it.

All published articles are provided free open access on the sites www.journal.tstu.ru, www.elibrary.ru, www.cyberleninka.ru and in other indexing databases.

Open Access articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. The CC BY license allows to use all or part of the material of published articles, provided that the author and source of the publication are indicated, a link to the Creative Commons license is included.

For more information on open access policy and licensing, please follow the links:







Copyright Policy

The publication and distribution of an article in the Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies is governed by the license agreement terms.

All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license.

Use of borrowed materials

The editorial staff of the Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies requires mandatory observance of the copyrights of your colleagues, therefore, any material (fragments of text, tables, figures, photographs, etc.) that the author borrows from other publications must be subjected to permission, which the author must to attach to the manuscript sent for consideration to the editor. Permission can be expressed not only in writing, but by posting the corresponding consent (open license Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 CC-BY). In this case, the materials can be used without obtaining additional permissions, but with the obligatory indication of the data on the original source.

For more information on the procedure for obtaining permissions to use borrowed materials, please visit the PleiadesPublishing website: https://www.pleiades.online/ru/authors/permission/


Data Disclosure Policy

The reproducibility of scientific research is an essential part of its integrity, reliability, and value to the scientific community. The scientific article reflects the results of many stages of the work carried out, so without access to the initial data, scientific statements are difficult to reproduce. Sharing research data not only improves scientific integrity, but also allows to develop research in an international format.

The editors recommend that the authors publicly deposit the original data, i.e. provide access to the full sets of experimental data, so that you can reproduce the results you have obtained. The data availability statement should contain details of where to find data supporting the reported results and include links to publicly available data archives. This information can be placed at the end of the main text of your manuscript. Please note that if you do not make your data publicly available, it may be requested for submission to the editorial board or reviewers.


Financial Policy

The publisher (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State Technical University") provides financial support for the journal publication.
Submission, reviewing, editing, publication of articles in the journal, as well as their placement in open access databases are free of charge.
Articles submitted to the editor in Russian (the main text of the article) are translated into English. Translation services for authors are free.
The editorial board doesn’t provide paid services for the articles formatting in accordance with the established requirements.


Advertising policy

The advertising policy adopted in the «Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies» is based on the general principles of ethics of scientific publications. The decision to publish advertisements is made by the editorial board. The advertiser, publisher and other persons may not influence the decision of the editorial board, thereby pursuing the right of editorial independence.

Published advertising materials:

- comply with the journal policy;

- free from potential conflicts of interest;

- contain complete data about the offered product or service, as well as about the advertiser itself;

- not related to the scientific content of the publication;

- do not contain false information about the product or service;

- clearly describe the offered product or service, the form of presentation excludes incorrect understanding of advertising data;

- they are separated into a special section and clearly identified with other publications in the journal.


- publication of materials to accompany advertising, including the facts of hidden advertising of certain goods or services in the texts of scientific articles;

- advertising in relation to specific articles.

The Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish advertising (before publication), as well as to print a refutation (after publication) in case of detection of false data in the published advertising materials, conflict of interests of the advertiser and other participants in the publication process, unfair behavior of the advertiser.

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