Requirements to the Manuscripts Submitted for Publication in “Journal of Advanced Materials and Technologies”

General rules


In accordance with the Procedure for submission, reviewing and publishing scientific articles adopted in the journal, the manuscript should be submitted through the electronic editorial system on the journal website or by e-mail of the editorial office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


To reduce time spent on the formatting of an article according to the journal requirements, we recommend to use a template. The template complies with accepted standards for the provision of manuscripts. Nevertheless, we recommend you to get acquainted with the publication rules and the rules for preparing the manuscript, as they contain a more complete description of the rules and requirements.

Types of publications

The main types of articles:

Original Paper - a detailed format for presenting scientific research. Short communications about important preliminary results of particular scientific value can only be reviewed with the consent of the editor.

Review - systematization and critical generalization of information about any research topic, including the highlighting of new directions in the development of a specific area of knowledge, a review of promising ideas and discussions.

Article language

The article can be submitted in Russian or in English.

Article in Russian

Information about authors and affiliations of authors, abstract, keywords, references must be submitted in Russian and English. Figure captions, titles and structural elements of tables are presented in Russian and English.

Articles submitted to the editorial office in Russian (the main text of the article) are translated into English. Translation services for authors are free.

Article in English

In an English-language article, all information can be presented only in English. Translation services for authors are free

Article formatting

Manuscripts should be 1.5-line spaced (without increased spacing before and after paragraphs) and use Times New Roman; 14-point font, (article title - 16-point font). All margins should be set at 2.0 cm, justified alignment. The main text is typed with a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm; headings, abstract and keywords - no indentation.  All pages must be numbered consecutively.

Manuscript volume

The recommended size of the manuscript (including spaces and all elements of the publishing design) is from 35 to 50 thousand symbols, including:

for original articles - 18-23 pages;

for review articles - up to 25 pages.

The number of pages is approximate, as it depends on the amount of illustrative and tabular material. First of all, you should pay attention to the number of symbols: 1 conventional page is equal to 1800 symbols (with spaces).

Excess volume or its reduction up to 20% is allowed by prior agreement with the editorial board of the journal. The volume of figures should not exceed 1/4 of the article volume.

Scheme of a scientific article

 Type of paper Original Paper
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)

UDC (universal decimal classification) reflects the topic and research area of paper, it is a digital decimal code for unifying the search for text data. You can issue UDC using the online classifier posted in the public domain:

Decoding of UDC formulas:


No more than 10-12 words (in lowercase letters, capitalization of the title is not allowed).

The use of verbs in the title of the article is excluded. You should also avoid interrogative sentences and wording that can be understood ambiguously.

Information about authors

Contain names and affiliations of authors.

The order of mentioning the authors depends on their contribution to the work performed and is determined directly by the authors' team.

When transliterating the full name, the author must adhere to their uniform spelling in all articles for correct identification in citation systems.

If there are several authors, then it is necessary to define a contact person (Corresponding Author) and indicate his email address.

It is obligatory to use ORCID, preferably Researcher ID, RSCI SPIN and other identifiers. These data will be reflected in the electronic version of the article on the official website of the journal.

In affiliation, the place of the main work of the authors or the name of the organization that carried out research is indicated first, then the address, city, country.

The name of the organization (in Russian and English) must match the name in the constituent documents, but without the use of abbreviations characterizing the organizational and legal form of the organization (FSBEI HE, etc.).


Volume - 150-250 words,

Should correspond to the structure of the article and include: the relevance of the research topic, problem statement, goals and methods of research, results and key findings for original articles (for review articles - in accordance with the actual structure of the article).


8-10 words or stable phrases by which the article will be searched for in citation systems.

Key words reflect the specifics of the topic, object and research results.

We recommend that the keywords are not only unique to your article, but common enough within your subject area. We recommend analyzing the relevant keywords in the indexing databases.

Text of the article Scientific Article Standard IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). For a review article, this structure is simplified according to the article type.
Supplementary Material

The editors recommend the authors to openly deposit the original data, i.e. provide access to complete sets of experimental data so that the results can be reproduced.

The section is optional, i.e. placed according to the availability of relevant information

Funding All sources of funding for your research, if any, should be disclosed: grants or sponsorship.

In this section you can express your gratitude for helping people or organizations whose role in the research does not correspond to the author's contribution or funding. For example, organizational, technical or other assistance.

The section is optional, i.e. placed according to the availability of relevant information.

Conflictofinterests The authors declare that they have no financial conflicts of interest or personal relationships that could affect the materials presented in this article, or indicate a possible conflict of interest.
References Includes only sources used in preparing the article and noted in the text of the article.

In accordance with the rules that take into account the requirements of international citation systems, information about authors and affiliations of authors, abstract, keywords, references must be submitted in Russian and English.

Data in Russian

Article title The title of the article should fully reflect the subject and topic of the article, as well as the main goal (question) set by the author to disclose the topic.
Information about authors When mentioning the authors of the article, the surname should be indicated after the initials of the name and patronymic (P.S. Ivanov, S.I. Petrov, I.P. Sidorov)
Affiliation You must provide the official full name of the institution (without abbreviations). If authors from different institutions took part in preparing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of the institutions and the names of the authors by adding uppercase letter indices before the names of the institutions and after the names of the respective authors.
Abstract The abstract should repeat the structure of the article: relevance, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion. The abstract should contain the main provisions set out in the work; reflect the author's view of the problem discussed in the manuscript; summarize the most important results and their importance, as well as allow the reader to understand the uniqueness of this article (study or review). The volume is 150-250 words. Division into paragraphs is not allowed.
Keywords It is necessary to indicate keywords - from 8 to 10, contributing to the indexing of the article in search systems.
References Bibliographic data presentation in Russian is carried out according to the GOST R 7.0.5-2008 ("Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for compilation").


Data in English

Article title  The English-language title must be grammatically and linguistically correct, the meaning fully corresponds to the Russian-language title. The translation of article titles into English should not contain any transliterations from the Russian language, except for untranslatable proper names, devices, and other objects that have their own names. This also applies to copyright annotations and keywords.
Author names The full name must be written in accordance with the foreign passport or in the same way as in articles previously published in foreign journals. Authors who are publishing for the first time and who do not have a foreign passport should use the BGN transliteration standard.
Affiliation The official English-language title of the institution must be indicated. The most complete list of the names of institutions and their official English version can be found on the website of the Russian Scientific Electronic Library
Abstract The English-language version of the abstract of the article should fully correspond to the Russian-language one and  include 150-250 words.
Keywords Keywords must match in pairs in Russian and English
References Vancouver Style


Requirements for the text of the article

Article structure

The structure of the full text of the manuscript (in Russian or English), dedicated to the description of the results of original research should correspond to the structure of IMRAD and contain sections: introduction (justification), purpose, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions / conclusion. If necessary, the heading can be expanded.

For review articles, the following structure is adopted: Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusions. We recommend that you also include a strategy for information retrieval in bibliographic databases, which is determined by the purpose and type of the review being carried out: a traditional review (critical, preliminary, updating, expert) or a systematic review. If the article was prepared in the format of a systematic literature review, then it is advisable to also describe the criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of a particular source within the stated topic.


A section that begins with a description of the research object, then the relevance of the research is formulated. The introduction should emphasize the importance of research and determine its place among similar works. It is necessary to carefully analyze the current state of the research area and highlight key publications. A review of the world literature is presented, confirming the absence of a solution to this problem in the literary sources and indicating the predecessors on whose research the paper is based. Further, the goal of the study arising from the results of the literature review is formulated, and the list of tasks planned for solving and specific hypotheses is formulated. It is important to highlight and delineate unresolved problems. It is advisable to consider at least 20-30 sources and compare the views of the authors, paying special attention to controversial and diverging hypotheses. Some of the sources should be in English. For review articles, the number of sources should be increased.

Materials and methods

A section that begins with a description of the research object, then the relevance of the research is formulated. The introduction should emphasize the importance of research and determine its place among similar works. It is necessary to carefully analyze the current state of the research area and highlight key publications. A review of the world literature is presented, confirming the absence of a solution to this problem in the literary sources and indicating the predecessors on whose research the paper is based. Further, the goal of the study arising from the results of the literature review is formulated, and the list of tasks planned for solving and specific hypotheses is formulated. It is important to highlight and delineate unresolved problems. It is advisable to consider at least 20-30 sources and compare the views of the authors, paying special attention to controversial and diverging hypotheses. Some of the sources should be in English. For review articles, the number of sources should be increased.

Results and Discussion

This section includes the analysis of the results obtained, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors. The results of the research should be presented clearly and concisely, but at the same time contain sufficient information to evaluate the conclusions reached. It is important to discuss the results obtained in the broadest possible context: how they can be interpreted within the existing scientific paradigm, how they can be interpreted in the future research perspective, how problems and limitations were identified in the framework of the research performed. This section should help the reader assess the methodological pros and cons of the study.


The results of the scientific research are briefly summarized. Conclusions should logically correspond to the tasks set at the beginning of the article. In the conclusion, generalizations are made, the significance of the work done is emphasized. Recommendations are also provided and possible directions for further research are indicated.

Supplementary Material (при наличии)

The editors recommend the authors to openly deposit the original data, i.e. provide access to complete sets of experimental data so that you can reproduce your results. The data accessibility statement details where data can be found to support reported results and includes links to publicly available data archives. Placing a statement is a recommendation, but not a mandatory requirement of the editors. If desired, you can place this information at the end of the main text of your manuscript as follows:

The data presented in this study is publicly available at [repository name] at [doi / URL].

The data is contained in the article or additional material posted at [doi / URL].

This data is not publicly available due to [insert reason here] and is available upon request of the respective author.

Please note that initial data may be requested for submission to the editorial board or reviewers.


All sources of funding for your research, if any, should be disclosed: grants or sponsorship. Pay attention to the correct filling of the information about the funding organization:

This study was funded by [name of funding agency or sponsor] grant number [xxx].

If the research has not received financial support, the following application must be submitted:

This study did not receive external funding.

Acknowledgements (if any)

In this section you can express your gratitude to people or organizations who helped to carry out your research, whose role in the research does not correspond to the author's contribution or funding. For example, organizational, technical or other assistance.

Conflict of interests

The authors declare that they have no financial conflicts of interest or personal relationships that could affect the work presented in this article, or indicate a possible conflict of interest. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, financial, personal, competing or other relationships that may affect the research results are necessary for an accurate and objective assessment of the work.

Bibliographical list

Bibliographic data in Russian is presented according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 ("Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for compilation").

You should cite primarily original sources from scientific journals included in global citation indices. It is advisable to use at least 20-30 sources, of which over the past 10 years - at least 60%, over the past 3 years - at least 30%, self-citation - no more than 15%. According to the requirements of the journal, the absence of a solution to this goal in the world literature should be confirmed, and therefore the references should contain not only national, but also foreign publications. The recommended volume is at least half of the total number of sources in the list of references.

Links to unpublished sources are not allowed.

Not recommended references to textbooks, teaching aids, lecture notes, other educational literature, as well as to dissertation abstracts and dissertations texts.

GOST R 7.0.5-2008 offers several options for the design of inline links and references to bibliographic links. The editorial board, in accordance with the observance of the uniform format of the journal, suggests the authors to use the following design option for the entire list and lists.

The numbering of records in the article list is continuous (regardless of the source language). Sources are numbered in the order they appear in the text. The number of the source used in the cite list is put in square brackets. If there are several link objects, then they are combined into one complex link. In this case, the referenced objects are listed separated by semicolons. Examples of formatting links to a source in the text: [15]; [15-23]; [one; 15; 34].


Bibliographical list and References are two different parts of the article, they cannot be combined. The journal adopted the Vancouver citation style. For more information, see the References section.

Additional article elements

Figures and tables

All figures, diagrams and tables should be inserted in the main text next to their first quotation and should be numbered according to their number of occurrence in Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Scheme 1, Figure 2, Scheme 2, Table 1, etc.) ... Additionally, figures are submitted as separate files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Each file is named by the surname of the first author and the figure number (* Ivanov_Figure 1).

The figure must be clear and have a caption in Russian and English. The explanation of figures and photographs in the text and captions to them must correspond to the content of the figures. If one figure has several parts, then in the figure caption they are denoted by Latin letters in brackets: (a), (b), etc. All inscriptions directly on the figures are given in English (including designations on the axes graphs, etc.). If such information is present, it must be part of the graphic, i.e. should not be inserted as a text box in the Word editor.

For previously published illustrations, you must indicate the original source and, if necessary, provide written permission for reproduction from their author (owner) (for more details, see the Copyright section). Manipulations with images that may lead to incorrect interpretation of the study results are unacceptable. Confirmation of the fact of manipulation of the specified data may result in refusal to publish the article (before publication), correction or retraction of the article (after publication).

Each table must have a title in Russian and English. All columns of the table must have an explanatory heading in Russian and English. To make it easier to copy and edit large tables, you can use smaller fonts, but not less than 8-point font.

Units of measurement

The paper should use the international system of units SI (Système international d'unités, SI). All units must be converted according to the specified format. More information can be found in the SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI), on the website of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau International des Poidset Mesures, BIPM): 

When naming substances, use the IUPAC rules (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC). You can get more detailed information on the website of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry:


Formulas are numbered right-aligned. All formulas must be numbered. Formulas are drawn up in the editor MS Equation or MathType.  It is inadmissible to use automatic numbering of formulas and cross-references to formulas or positions in the list of references in the text of the article. The reference to equations is given by their number (equation (2), etc. in Russian, Eq. (1) in English).


One should confine oneself to the generally accepted abbreviations (GOST 7.12–93 for Russian and GOST 7.11–78 for foreign European languages), avoiding new ones without sufficient grounds. Abbreviations should be defined in brackets when they first appear in the main text of the article and be used consistently thereafter, remaining unchanged throughout the text. The use of abbreviations in the title of the article or in the abstract is unacceptable.


When transliterating, it is recommended to use the BGN / PCGN standard (United States Board on Geographic Names/Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use), recommended by the international publishing house Oxford University Press as "British Standard". To transliterate the text in accordance with the BGN standard, you can use the link:

Foreign names

When using foreign names, surnames, names of educational institutions and other names, their original description (in the original language) must be given in brackets. When using new or rarely used terms and concepts, it is advisable to indicate their variants of translation into English, as well as provide a list of publications in English that use the specified terminology. You can place this information either at the end of the manuscript (after all the required elements), or prepare a separate document "Information for a translator" in a form convenient for you (file name * Last name of the first author_For translator).